Dragon Star Autumn Showing Gala


Sep 16 - 17 2023


8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Dragon Star Autumn Showing Gala

Cancelled 08/09/23

Looking at our entry numbers today and the pattern of entries it is with a deep sense of disappointment that we have taken the decision not to proceed with the showing show scheduled to start next weekend, 16th and 17th September.

With only 43 entries the income that we have isn’t enough to cover the cost of the voile to dress the arena. This is enormously frustrating given the efforts of Stella from Dragon Star Security and our own team to create a new event at our venue. I would like to thank Stella for all of her effort, time and investment in trying to get this show off the ground.

Before we get some stick that people were going to enter it’s important to note that we simply cannot wait until the day to see what happens and then take a decision. We cannot ask judges not to come on Friday while on their way or send the café team home early because there isn’t the demand. No one wanted the event to succeed more than the team at Kelsall whose livelihoods depend on the ability of the business to meets its obligations.

I would like to apologise for any inconvenience that this decision might cause but with the known costs for rosettes, course building, flowers, prize fund, café costs, accommodation and staff we have taken a view that in all probability we will have a large financial loss. There comes a point where we have to take a view as to likelihood of making a financial success of the event and we have now reached that date.

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