We have a number of stable blocks at Kelsall Hill. Most of the stables are managed by third parties who rent stables from us and run their own businesses from our yards.
If you would like to enquire if they have availability then please ask them directly.
- Lisa Williamson from Kelsall Hill Liveries: 07970437679
- Jennifer Connell from Sandstone Liveries: 07766906666
- Laurie from Scott Williams Livery: 07725911409
- Georgina King from Horthorn equestrian: 07714648694 or head to their website by clicking here.
- Lisa Antrobus from NLTC in association with team LH Equine: 07791885380 for livery or for breaking, coaching and competition sales livery you can contact Henry Willcox: 07783792255 alternatively you can head to their website by clicking here.
The livery businesses operate under agreed rules with ourselves but please ask the yard managers for all their terms for you as individuals as no doubt they will be different between the businesses. There’s turn out with the livery stables but it is limited and needs to be looked after. Liveries benefit from the use of all the facilities except the Grandstand Arena, this includes the farm ride, outdoor arenas, Primrose View indoor arena, gallops, cross country and lunge pen.
Renting A Yard
Like everything in life nothing is constant so from time to time yards become available. If you would like to know if a yard is coming up then please let us know so we can stay in touch with you and discuss our proposed terms and conditions and rental agreements.