British Show Jumping – CAT 2
British Show Jumping – CAT 2
Kelsall Hill Equestrian Centre
To see the schedule please click on the link: KELSALL HILL E C FEBRUARY 2022 – The Official Website of British Showjumping
Held in the indoor competition arena (72 x 45m), warm up in Primrose arena (60m x 30m).
ONLINE entries for this event are now CLOSED
We are now scheduling the day.
You CAN still enter, if you would like to enter please send us an email to with your entry details please with your name, rider ID, horse name, horse ID, horse owner and we’ll ring for a payment before adding you to the list.
The start will depend upon the amount of entries. Approx. start time is 9am but could be as late as 10am depending upon entries.
Our refund policy is if you withdraw your entry within the 48 hours prior to the competition we will not be able to offer a refund or transfer of entry. If you cancel 48 hours prior to the competition you will either receive a transfer of the entry to the next event or you can be refunded minus a £4 admin charge per entry. All withdrawals must be put in writing to
Urchins Café will be available all day serving hot